3 Marketing Signals You Send to Customers

Brian Sooy • August 16, 2020

During times of uncertainty, the message your brand sends customers must show that your business truly cares

What signals does your brand or business consciously and subconsciously send to people who are curious, eager to learn, or ready to buy?

After several weeks of closure, the coffee shop was re-opened. People had already formed new buying habits and began to change them now that it became convenient again to order a cup of coffee to go.

After a few weeks, the coffee shop mysteriously closed again for one week.

The cars usually parked near the entrance to give the impression to customers that the coffee shop is open are missing. From the street, all other signs indicate the coffee shop is open.

The sign is bright, the umbrellas and chairs are on the patio. The Drive-Thru sign points the way to satisfaction at the back of the parking lot.

The signals reinforce the new habits people formed from a presence that says, “We’re open, place your order.”

Drivers still pull into the parking lot and accelerate to the drive-through, ready to order a low-fat soy latte with an extra shot.

The cars and SUVs that zip past my window brake hard when they notice the orange cones blocking the entrance to the drive-through.

I see them checking their phones as they slowly drive to the exit, perhaps wondering why Starbucks is closed again.

I had a similar experience when I waited in line at a Wendys drive-through. I couldn't go in because the popular fast-food chain can’t get enough staff. There were five cars ahead of me; we each heard the same message when we got to the microphone: “We’re sorry, we are closed due to lack of staffing.”

All it would take is a sign near the drive-through to let customers know whether the restaurant is open and what to expect.

People are listening for three key decision-making signals in your marketing

Several drivers park their car in front of the entrance and pull hard on the unyielding entrance door, then read the only signal that the store is closed: A letter-sized print-out with an apology and an appeal to stop back soon.

After they read this, customers look around in confusion as if they can’t comprehend that their local Starbucks is closed.

I feel sad for others: People with limited mobility park toward the back of the empty parking lot, slowly make their way to the entrance, read the sign, and sadly retreat to their cars.

A small group that meets weekly hasn’t been back after the mystery closing.

The signals promise a reward, satisfaction, and the comfort of familiarity in a place that promises community.

The signals your business sends are the words, actions, and behaviors that reinforce the behavior you want people to take and the promise you want people to believe.

During times of uncertainty, your brand must send three key messages to customers:

  1. When your customer is concerned about their health, safety, and well-being, your brand must clearly communicate that your business is committed to ensuring your customer will be safe and secure.
  2. When your customer feels like everything is uncertain and out of control, reassure them that your product or service will help them regain the control they feel like they’ve lost
  3. When people are frustrated because the things that give them joy seem to be limited, communicate how your product and service will help them  experience joy during times of uncertainty.

Speak to your customer’s mind.  Touch your customer’s heart.

When you do, they are more likely to listen, care, and engage with your brand because your business spoke to one thing they need right now: We see you, we hear you, we’re here to help you.

Listen to the Everybody Brands podcast so you can send the right signals to your customers and clients.

Do you have a hard time explaining what your company does or why your brand matters to people?

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