Four Dimensions of Communications and Culture

Brian Sooy • May 5, 2014

Four dimensions of communication and culture empower leaders like you to achieve clarity for your organization.

When I have the opportunity to have a conversation with the leader of a mission-driven organization, our conversation touches upon four dimensions of leadership that empower leaders like you to create and foster a culture of communication for your organization through purpose and strategy, communication and inspiration, people and relationships, and visionary leadership to deliver on a promise.
Are you a leader who practices these four dimensions of communication that foster mission-driven culture?

A Strategic Leader Communicates Purpose

  • Purpose is the foundation of mission and vision. Impact is what matters.
  • The clarity of your purpose is made evident by the directness of your strategy.
  • Strategy and focus tell your audience and supporters that you know where you’re headed and how you will get there.
  • Purpose creates meaning. People want to belong to a cause, join a movement, and work toward a vision that has clearly defined purpose and actionable strategy.

A Passionate Leader Inspires Character

  • A passionate leader is inspirational, defining character and empowering the people she leads to engage with one another and lead with values.
  • Character is defined when your team, customers, and stakeholders experience your values in action.
  • The trust in your organization’s character is enhanced through inspirational and motivational communications.
  • Inspiration is shared through visual and verbal language – design and stories – working together to create a powerful and compelling narrative.
  • Words and phrases convey the purpose and values of your organization and engage your team and your stakeholders.

A Trusted Leader Understands the Value of People to Organizational Culture

  • A trusted leaders values relationships, placing people in higher priority than programs and processes.
  • Culture is character in action. It’s also called walking the talk.
  • The strength of your organization’s culture can be measured in how relationships are valued.
  • Meaningful relationships are nurtured by gratefulness and trust, with authenticity and transparency.

A Courageous Leader Defines Vision and Delivers on the Brand Promise

  • A courageous leader defines the aspirational vision of the organization she leads, and guides the organization in that direction to deliver on the promise of the vision.
  • The quality of your leadership is magnified by the clarity of your communications.
  • The world wants to follow positive, powerful, and courageous leaders.
  • Confident and authentic leadership will be the inspiration for your team and stakeholders.
Individuals yearn to belong to an organizational culture that embodies these four dimensions. Your team is looking for a leader to follow, and cause to believe in. Will you be the one that leads the movement?

The four dimensions that nurture a culture of communications and the language of leadership are based on The Cause Manifesto from the top-rated branding and culture book, Raise Your Voice: A Cause Manifesto.

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